Monday, February 18, 2008

Tournament signups update

Here are updated lists for two upcoming tournaments. Please email me if you were mistakenly left off the list, I feel like a few people opted in that I do not have here.

You may also email if you are interested in attending as spots are available. If there is a ?, please send me an email to confirm you are going. (8 spots left)

For Dayton, March 1-2
1. Steve T.
2. Kevin Z.
3. Steve H.
4. Carl W.
5. Brad S.
6. Larry K.
7. Hany Y.?
8. Matt Y.?

For Carnegie Mellon, March 29 and 30, I have the following people. (2 spots left)

1. Steve T.
2. Mo B.
3. Larry K.
4. Carl W.
5. Hany Y.
6. Matt Y.
7. Tom F.
7. Brian B.
8. Jason B.
9. Greg M.
10. Kevin Z.
11. Johnny R.
12. Brad S.
13. Wade
14. Steve H.
15. Gabe L.

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