Friday, September 3, 2010

Ohio Cup Schedule

The Schedule for the OHIO Cup (Sept. 11) has been posted. Below are our game times. I will coordinate with those planning on coming for travel. As a point of reference, everyone should plan to arrive in Columbus by 9:00 AM and will be able to depart by 8:00pm.

Game 1 - 10:10 -Ohio Squirrels v Cleveland WPC
Game 2 - 12:00 - OSU Men v Cleveland WPC
Game 3 - 6:50 - Ohio University v Cleveland WPC

Also, we must have three people work the table at three games. I will sign up our team for the games, once I am able to. I will need three people to commit to the games once I have the schedule.

Finally, below is the roster as of last night. PLEASE MAKE ME AWARE if you ARE able to come and ARE NOT on the list, or NOT PLANNING on coming and ARE CURRENTLY on the list. Cost to attend this weekend is $25.

  1. Matt K.
  2. Wade W.
  3. Steve T.
  4. Steve H.
  5. Steph H.
  6. Kevin A.
  7. Nico
  8. Preetha
  9. Carl W.
  10. Tom
  11. Colby
  12. Colby
  13. Eric B.
  14. David D.

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