Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Holidays and Updates from the Club

Upcoming Schedule
  • CANCELED: Thursday, 12/25 and 1/1 at CSU. Pool closed for holidays.
  • Sunday, 12/28 at Lakewood, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
  • Sunday, 1/4/15 at Lakewood, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
  • Thursday, 1/8/15 at CSU, 8-10 p.m.
Governance Updates
We previously posted incorrect information, please see this clarification.

At our 12/14 board meeting, we elected the following people to our Board of Directors for 2015:
Trish Armstrong, Kasi David, Maura Dickinson, Brendon Friesen, Paul Musille, Wade Weber, Kevin Ziegler
These people are in charge of making sure we follow our Byelaws. They also approve spending and appoint the Officers who run the club on a day-to-day basis. They are allowed to appoint Directors or Non-Directors to Officer roles, in the past they have overlapped.

On 12/18/14 the Board of Directors appointed the following Officers for 2015:
  • Kevin Ziegler - President
  • Wade Weber - Treasurer
  • Brendon Friesen - Secretary
  • Kasi David - Vice President, Water Polo Operations
  • Paul Musille - Vice President, Club Operations
  • Trish Armstrong - Vice President, Outreach and Member Relations
At that meeting, priorities for the year were also discussed, with the main items including:
  1. Enhancing the organization of practices and supporting player development
  2. Expanding pool time to 3x per week
  3. Continuing growth of the Lake Erie Classic Tournament
  4. Supporting growth of youth programs, Lakewood and Mayfield
  5. Exploring a women's tournament
  6. Creating new apparel and suits for club members
  7. Exploring community volunteerism
We will update you on these initiatives and others throughout the year. Please feel free to direct any questions to the board members, or general feedback to Trish, in her role overseeing Member Relations.