Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Chicago Tourney Registration Now Open

Chicago Tourney Registration Open
Nov 19 / 20 

Upcoming Practices
Tuesdays - 8:30pm - 10:00pm at LHS
Sundays - 9:30am - 11:30am at LHS

Toronto Tourney Recap
CONGRATS on the first traveling tourney for CWPC!
Stealing and paraphrasing from an update shared already provided ...

Shout outs for CWPC awesomeness
Moragne - Killing it 4/4 for sprints
Summers - Uncontested set shots for days
Bailey- Shots like a bat outta hell
Thompson - Most minutes logged and apparently into bribing refs
Tepe - Leading and inspiring for years to come
Sermak - Lead laugh contributor
Breloff - Perpetual motion machine 
Oswald - Strategic subber extraordinaire
Bradley - Expert recapper and play maker 

A BIG THANK YOU to the teams who supported and jumped on board to make this happen especially Cincinnati (yay Paul), Wolverine, Toronto and Che Guevara!

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