Tuesday, August 5, 2014

GG9 Schedule Posted

Thanks to Nico for running the GG9 water polo segment! Here is our schedule for next week:

Monday, 8/11 at 8pm vs. San Francisco Tsunami
Tuesday, 8/12 at 3pm vs. Toronto Triggerfish - Blue
Tuesday, 8/12 at 7pm vs. West Hollywood
Wednesday., 8/13 at 4pm vs. QUAC

Finals games will be on Thursday 8/14 and Friday., 8/15 from 11am to 4pm and are determined by the earlier results.

HB Pool Reminder
We recently learned that HB has decided to close their facility on Sundays as they seek to reduce maintenance/custodial costs. Our last day was 7/27. We are currently exploring with HB adding another day, either Saturday or a weekday, and we are also exploring other pool options. This is a top priority and we will provide updates as we progress.

Upcoming Practices
Thursday 7:30-9PM @CSU
Tuesday 8:00-10PM @ Lakewood
*Please stay tuned to potential changes to next week's schedule.